

Youth Ministry

Teaching Children the Word of God

"Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

The Lydia Church Youth Ministry is devoted to equipping children with the Word of God in order to raise up a new generation of faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Teaching biblical principles through the Word of God, engaging in Christian fellowship, and demonstrating the love of Christ are the key objectives of the youth ministry. Haley and Will Parks serve as Lydia’s youth ministers.


Helping Hands is a food pantry partnership between Lydia Missionary Baptist Church and other local churches. Helping Hands is dedicated to providing people in our community with needed food supplies. The pantry is open on the second Saturday of each month at the Hillcrest Baptist Church in Center, Texas. 


Feeding People

2nd Saturday of Month

Hillcrest Baptist Church

901 Southview Circle

Center, Texas75935

1. Print form below
2. Bring to Helping Hands on Saturday


Bus Ministry

Children to Church

The Lydia Church Bus Ministry is devoted to providing children with the opportunity to attend church and learn about God and His Son, Jesus Christ.  Buses run on Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings.

The Lydia Church Ministry of Visitation seeks to fellowship with members of the local community and demonstrate the love of Christ. Visit destinations include residential homes and nursing facilities in addition to other various locations.


Visitation Ministry

Loving People


Our Missionaries

Sharing the Gospel

Lydia Church Ministries

Deb & Brad Mashburn

Ruth Mary & Jerry Abbott

Rodrigo Valbuena

Teddy Fulfer

Mark Waddington


Lydia MBC supports mission work across the globe. Specific geographical areas of current mission work include the Philippines, Senegal, and Eastern Europe.